European Feld Hell Net
Hell'o and thanks for your interest in the European Feld Hell Net!

Why another Feld Hell Net?
This net is here to give hams operating out of Europe more opportunities to make QSO's in Hell Schreiber modes. I am aware that other Hell nets exist, but they are often out of reach or on bands that are not permitted to hams with a Novice license.

When: Every Saturday at 10:00/10AM ZULU TIME 📅
You are welcome to start making QSOs. Please check your correct local time!!!. Initially we will work in FSK Hell-105/FM-Hell-105. Set transceiver to frequency listed below and waterfall +1500Hz. If the frequency is in use by other modes, move to a portion of free spectrum. We can make frequency and mode exceptions! Check and see all frequencies.

When I am on-air you can see my station frequency in the live viewer below.
The current week number is 43 and the ZULU time is now: . Add to calendar.

Hamspots, check-ins, socialize
Compared to the US nets, this net is rather unorganized. There are no check-ins and there is no coordinating station. Whatever coordination we have is done on Hamspots. Hams not on Hamspots can use the live viewer below to find my frequency. I will post a message on around the start time of the net including the frequency of the day. If you do not see my message, by all means add your own!

If you see my station you will notice I sometimes make QSO's very short, this is because I have a limited set-up. But I do like chatting without macros if conditions allows. If you have a better set-up or have favorable conditions, I encourage you to socialize and chat. But if you want to stick with just a basic QSO, that is fine too!

Reporting, feedback, questions
If possible log your QSO's on, LoTW, etc. You can reach out to me with your feedback and QSO success stories via email, find it on For logging purpose the mode is FSKHELL. SWL reports welcome. You can see QSO screenshots from our net in the Hell QSO Gallery! For my other ham radio activities see

Live Hell Station Viewer, open in new window.

Extra: Sunday EU Hell Net 80m
Unrelated to the Saturday net (but in the same region) is the Hell net on Sunday at 15:00/3PM ZULU TIME. USB 3.5905 +1500 the operating mode is Feld Hell. This net is coordinated by PA0KDF (Koos) who serves as central controlling station. In contrast to the Saturday net, the frequency and mode are fixed. More information on this net and a list of all currently active Hell nets can be found at Non Stop Systems and the Sunday live viewer.

Hellschreiber discussion group
You can join where we discuss all matters relating to Hellschreiber. I will post QSO reports for the EU Feld Hell Net each week.

Mind your power!
FSK Hell-105 seems to be a bit more robust than Feld Hell, but it does have a 80% duty cycle, if your rig has heating issues, lower your power output! People using Signalinks in their setups will need to adjust them to handle the rapid off/on characteristic of Feld Hell. FSKH105 will work with PSK31 Signalink settings.

Can I join if I am outside of Europe?
Sure it is all about having fun and this net is for everyone!

Latest QSO on

I recommend fldigi. Set the correct mode via the menu Op Mode->Hell->FSK Hell-105. CAT control is available via flrig. When not using LoTW integration be careful to log as FSKHELL. Fldigi versions prior to 4.2.06 log incorrect mode in logbook.adif. I have filed an ADIF change proposal (161) to address this. fldigi version 4.2.06 addresses the issue. I have not had time to validate the fix.

FldigiLinux, Mac, Windowsyesyes
IZ8BLY HellschreiberWindowsnono

Feld Hell Club
This net is an independent effort, but I have had help from the Feld Hell Club starting it up. If you like the Hell modes, consider becoming a Club member, it's free and they have a great membership certificate!

Hell frequencies
If you are using software such as Fldigi, you can set your transceiver to the frequency (1). And click the waterfall at 1500 (2). This will make you work on the actual frequency (3). If you are using different software or a hardware Feld Hell machine you should refer to the actual frequency (3).

BandTransceiver (1)Waterfall (2)Actual frequency (3)CEPT
🌐 80m3.5905 MHz USB1500 Hz 3592.000 kHz USBFSunday EU Net
60m5.354 MHz USB1500 Hz 5355.500 kHz USBFMax. 15W EIRP
40m7.045 MHz USB1500 Hz 7046.500 kHz USBF,NPreferred
40m7.096 MHz USB1500 Hz 7097.500 kHz USBF,NQRM fallback
🌐 30m10.144 MHz USB1500 Hz10145.500 kHz USBFSaturday EU Net odd weeks starts here
🌐 20m14.088 MHz USB1500 Hz14089.500 kHz USBF,NSaturday EU Net even weeks starts here
17m18.105 MHz USB1500 Hz18106.500 kHz USBF
15m21.087 MHz USB1500 Hz21088.500 kHz USBF
12m24.924 MHz USB1500 Hz24925.500 kHz USBFPossible WSPR operations
10m28.080 MHz USB1500 Hz28081.500 kHz USBF,N

Why these frequencies?
(a) Compliance with IARU band plans for all regions. (b) Use 'narrow band mode' sections of the spectrum when possible. (c) Avoid built-in frequencies for CW, PSK31 in Fldigi and built-in frequencies for all modes in WSJT-X. (d) Align with the frequencies used by the Feld Hell Club. In addition it has been verified against the law in The Netherlands. I have chosen 20m and 30m as our starting point because this net is about making Hell accessible, and not so much about making long distance connections. Factors considered include: days and times other Hell nets operate, frequencies that can be used by Novice and my own QSO's. Based on this it seems 20m and 30m are our best options. Since 30m is not allowed for Novice and 20m can be over crowded, I opted for going with 20m on even weeks and 30m on odd weeks. It is not written in stone and we can change this as time goes by if needed. Customizing Fldigi
If you are interested in customizing Fldigi with custom Hell Fonts, include the Hell operating frequencies and more, take a look at: PC1K Fldigi customization.

Hope to see you in Hell, 73 de PC1K!