EU Feld Hell Net
Hell'o and thanks for your interest in this new Feld Hell Net!

Why another Feld Hell Net?
While I am aware that there are already other Hell Schreiber nets out there, most of them are out of reach for many ham operators. The nets in the USA can often not be reached by amateur radio operators from Europe due to HF conditions or compromised antenna situation. Other Hell nets in Europe exist but are on 80m and this means Novice licensed hams cannot join those.

When: Every Saturday at 10:00/10AM ZULU TIME 📅
You are welcome to start making QSOs. Please check your correct local time!!!. Initially we will work in FSK Hell-105. Set transceiver to frequency listed below and waterfall +1500Hz. If the frequency is in use by other modes, move to a portion of free spectrum. We can make exceptions, check and see all frequencies!

When I am on-air you can see my station frequency in the live viewer below.
The current week number is 27 and the ZULU time is now: . Add to calendar.

Hamspots, check-ins, socialize
Compared to the US nets, this net is rather unorganized. There are no check-ins and there is no coordinating station. Whatever coordination we have is done on Hamspots. Hams not on Hamspots can use the live viewer below to find my frequency. I will post a message on around the start time of the net including the frequency of the day. If you do not see my message, by all means add your own!

If you see my station you will notice I make QSO's very short, this is because I have a limited set-up. If you have a better set-up or favorable conditions, I encourage you to socialize and chat. But if you want to stick with just a basic QSO, that is fine too!

Reporting, feedback, questions
If possible log your QSO's on, LoTW, etc. You can reach out to me with your feedback and QSO success stories via email, find it on For logging purpose the mode is FSKH105. SWL reports welcome. You can see QSO screenshots from our net in the Hell QSO Gallery! For my other ham radio activities see

Live Hell Station Viewer, open in new window.

Mind your power!
FSK Hell-105 seems to be a bit more robust than Feld Hell, but it does have a 80% duty cycle, if your rig has heating issues, lower your power output! People using Signalinks in their setups will need to adjust them to handle the rapid off/on characteristic of Feld Hell. FSKH105 will work with PSK31 Signalink settings.

Can I join if I am outside of Europe?
Sure it is all about having fun! I am starting this net so there is one in Europe as USA and Canada has many nets already, but this net is for everyone!

Windows users can use IZ8BLY Hellschreiber software. The original author still offers it but many people cannot run the installer as it is too old for modern versions of Windows. Since the license allows redistribution, you can download a zip file with the IZ8BLY Hellschreiber software. Just unzip it and run the .exe file. If you have trouble you can use Windows compatibility mode, screenshot is provided via the link above. Once running this software is easy to use and understand.
Set the correct mode via the menu: Mode->PSK Hell 105. Configure your transceiver to use VOX as I don't think this software has CAT support.

Linux users run apt/dnf install fldigi and set the correct mode via the menu Op Mode->Hell->FSK Hell-105. CAT control is available via flrig (apt/yum install this as well).

FldigiLinux, Mac, Windowsyesyes
IZ8BLY HellschreiberWindowsnono

Feld Hell Club
This net is an independent effort, but I have had help from the Feld Hell Club starting it up. If you like the Hell modes, consider becoming a Club member, it's free and they have a great membership certificate!

Can we try a sked?
Yes, we can, contact me via email, find it on

Hell frequencies
Set waterfall to +1500Hz and set transceiver to the frequency listed. The 20m and 30m frequencies are our regular frequencies. Alternatively if the 20m or 30m frequencies don't work we can use these: Hope to see you in Hell, 73 de PC1K!

I think Hell is my favorite mode, it feels more personal than PSK31 not as easy as FT8, as hard as voice or as slow as SSTV. PC1K